I’m coming to you today, on a Monday, instead of my usual Friday message because circumstances require it. The last week has been difficult for all of us. From the shock, horror, and grief of the Hamas terror attacks in Israel, to anger, frustration, and dismay at the non-credible bomb threats to local Jewish institutions this past weekend, it is easy to feel lost, to feel empty.

Click here to the read the transcribed version of this special message.

Last week the Alliance launched an Israel Emergency Fund designed to raise money to support the victims of the terror attacks. To provide emergency medical services, trauma counseling, relocation for those who lost their homes, aid to families who lost loved ones and so much more. We’ve already raised $300,000, but the need is so much greater. Today, I’m urging you to support this effort -- 100% of your gift will go directly to those in need in Israel.

Included below are resources that you may find helpful. Resources you can share with others and resources you can use to stay informed. Unfortunately, our community has been here before. If we continue to be who we are, find joy in who we are, and share the joy with others and with each other, I have no doubt we will continue to have the vibrant, thriving Jewish community we’ve all built together. Am Yisrael Chai, the people of Israel live.

Thank you all for your support and wishing you peace and comfort in the days ahead.

Adam Greenman
President & CEO


Donate: The Jewish Alliance has created an emergency fund to provide immediate financial assistance and relief to victims of terror and war. 100% of your donation will go toward supporting victims of terror and addressing the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by these horrific attacks. At this time, we have been asked by our national and Israeli partners to assist with humanitarian efforts only. If and when our partners request supplies, we will start a drive to meet their needs.

Jewish Collaborative Services: In addition to other services, JCS has licensed therapists available to offer emotional support, counseling, and guidance to individuals and families dealing with the emotional toll of the conflict in Israel. JCS has also compiled a list of social and emotional resources for children and teens that can be accessed here.

Community Event: Join us tonight at 7:00pm at the Dwares JCC as we welcome Gil Hoffman, Executive Director of HonestReporting, for an Israeli Culture Series event: Israel Under Fire. Gil will analyze recent Israeli political developments and discuss coverage of the war. Click here to RSVP.

Community Security Briefing: Please join us on Thursday, October 19 at 12:00pm for a community security briefing where we will be joined by Brian Pires, National Security Specialist at the US Attorney’s Office, and Rachel Grinspan, ADL National Director of Law Enforcement Policy and Civil Rights. Click here to sign up.

Israel News: Jewish Rhode Island offers an RSS feed to several Israeli news outlets, including Times of Israel, The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz and others for the latest news coming out of Israel.

Antisemitism Tracker: Unfortunately, during times of unrest in Israel, we see an increase in antisemitic incidents locally. Please report local incidents here. If the incident is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 before reporting it on the tracker.